If you or a loved one has been injured in a traffic accident you may be entitled to compensation for those injuries. It is important that you call about your auto accident injuries as soon as possible for several reasons. The first is that an insurance company for the responsible party will try to take your tape recorded statement by telephone. Don’t do it. Even when you tell the complete truth, questions can be framed to cast doubt on your ability to remember minor details, or make it sound like you had prior injuries in the past, and that these new injuries are only an aggravation of something else. Insurance companies will also want you to sign medical authorizations. Don’t do it. Insurance companies share information on a large national database, and other doctors and companies that you have done business with in the past will suddenly be contacted by this insurance company and the information will certainly be used against you. Take several photos of the accident scene.
Call 1-800-LAWMAN-1 now for sound legal advice.
There are more than 6 million car accidents on the roads in the US annually and more than 40,000 deaths due to car accidents every year. About 40% of car accident fatalities are caused by intoxicated drivers and about 30% of car accident fatalities are caused by driving above the speed limit. Approximately one third are a result of reckless driving that causes a car to go off the road.
Normally, it takes a review of the Police Report and an actual inspection by the lawyers and a traffic engineer to understand what happened. A lack of signs, uneven pavement, pot holes, lack of guard rails, or objects left on roadways can frequently cause serious motor vehicle accidents. All these factors must be intelligently investigated and evaluated.
In more than half of all car fatalities, the deceased were found not to be wearing their seatbelts at the time of the crash. Even if you were not wearing your seat belt, that may not be a complete bar to your claim. Call us at 1-800-LAWMAN-1 to discuss the situation in your particular case. There is no charge for the service.