Contact Us

The Law Offices of Thomas P. Cacciatore
99 S. Lake Ave., Suite 501
Pasadena, CA 91101-26431
Phone: 1-800-LAWMAN-1 / 1-800-529-6261
Fax: 626-795-1626

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    The State Bar of California, and common sense, require that we advise you that the information provided in this website does not constitute legal advice or counsel about your particular case. It is informational only, and the information is general. Also, please note that you should not rely solely on the information contained in this site nor act nor refrain from acting upon any information on this website. You should seek professional legal help either by calling our office, or another attorney qualified to give you advice.

    As you may already know, every case is different and there may be important evidence that must be obtained before your case can be clearly evaluated. You may not have all the evidence that others have, and so gathering that evidence may take time. There are also certain time limits called Statutes of Limitations for making claims and filing suit. These time limitations are complicated, especially where a governmental entity may be involved as a party, either directly or indirectly, where the time limits are shortened, so don’t delay, call in now.

    An early call is always better than a late call, so call as soon as you can. We will be happy to discuss your case by telephone to get informal preliminary information to understand your case. And remember, to actually take action on your case, a written agreement must also be signed by the client and our attorneys to create an attorney-client relationship. In civil cases, most often, attorney fees are based on a percentage arrangement. Costs in bringing a case are a factor, which will be discussed by the attorney and the client. 1-800-LAWMAN-1 is a telephone number advertising format owned by Thomas P. Cacciatore, Attorney at Law.